Monday, September 30, 2019

Emotional Disorder Essay

There is no clear agreement as to what constitutes â€Å"good emotional health,† and it is difficult to measure emotional function with any degree of precision. It is probably safe to say that (1) all people display disorder or inappropriate behavior at certain times, (2) behavior is strongly influenced by an individual’s ethnic and cultural background, and (3) the label of â€Å"emotionally disturbed† itself have a negative effect on a person’s behavior and on the way in which other people interact with the individual so labeled. It is generally agreed, however, that to be classified as having an emotional or behavioral disability that requires treatment, a person’s behavior must deviate markedly and chronically from established societal and cultural norms. The extent to which an individual can function in major life roles is an important rehabilitation consideration, with severe mental illness (or chronic mental illness) defined by diagnosis, duration, and attendant disability. Role impairment occurs in severe of the following five areas: (1) self care and direction, (2) interpersonal relationships, (3) learning and leisure activities, (4) independent living, and (5) economic self-sufficiency. Caution should always be used in applying the designation of â€Å"emotionally disturbed† to anyone. Some individuals with visual impairments have been viewed as exhibiting behavior patterns that are â€Å"deviant† or â€Å"abnormal† primarily because of others’ limited understanding of blindness and their lack of ability to assess the emotional states of clients who are visually impaired. Parents as the root of the problem There is a wealth of educational and psychological research starting that â€Å"dysfunctional families† produce dysfunctional children. † Professionals tend to see parents as hostile, indifferent, uninterested, uncooperative, and the source of their children’s problems (Leitch & Tangri, 1998). Recent studies indicate that this foundational belief in parents as the root if their child’s emotional disability or school difficulties remains steadfast. Teachers view parents as the source of their children’s problems and believe that the parents are in need of help themselves (Bailey, Buyssee, Edmonson, & Smith, 1992; Friesen & Ehlers, 1994; Mickelson, 2000). Additionally, teachers tend to view minority culture parents through biased eyes that that lead to misunderstanding. Yet in their study of African American, Hispanic American, Native American, and European American parents, Geenen, Powers, and Lopez Vasquez (2001) found that the culturally and linguistically diverse parents were active in special education transition planning activities. Emotional disability is particularly prevalent during and following an acute cardiac illness, especially heart attack. Approximately two-thirds of such individuals will have some disturbing emotional response, most commonly anxiety and or/depression. To some extent, the magnitude of the emotional response is a function of the client’s personality. The person, who was chronically dissatisfied, chronically depressed, hypochrondriacal, or hard driving, time-conscious and goal-oriented is more apt to respond with a significant and possibly disabling degree of anxiety and/ or depression. Although these personality types are often present, it should not be assumes that personality types are often present, it should not be assumed that personality patterns are always the cause of persistent anxiety or depression following an acute cardiac illness.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

The Globalization/Consumption of Digital Media

University of Maryland University College-Adelphi University of Maryland University College-Adelphi By: Joshua A. Hood Instructor: Professor Robert T. Zornes Course: CMST 301 Paper Title: Globalization of Digital Media By: Joshua A. Hood Instructor: Professor Robert T. Zornes Course: CMST 301 Paper Title: Globalization of Digital Media Research ProjectProject 3 Research ProjectProject 3 Globalization of Digital Media Outline: 1. Introduction. 2. Think globally. 3. Rapid sharing. 4. Interactivity (changing the game) a. Web 1. 0 (convenience) b. Digital media defined c. Evolution of the Internet . Graph 5. Mobile digital media. e. Graph f. Iphone and Steve Jobs 6. Metaphorical summary relating to the inevitability of the evolution of digital media (and education) g. Recognizing power. 7. Education with digital media h. Comparison of differing educations 8. Globalization i. Globalization does not only include digital media 9. Globalization of digital media = powerhouse 10. Downloading. j. Consumption of digital media k. P2P (Peer to Peer) l. Digital media ethics? 11. Music industry/cinema m. Digital media creates musicians, literally. n. Myspace o. Adam Young (Owl City) i.Singer/songwriter thanks to digital media. 12. Refresh: What exactly has digital media done for us? p. Information availability q. Creates contributing members of society r. Creates scholars s. Creates new disciplines, academics. t. Information on burst! 13. Webisodes u. A young tool in the digital media world. v. Proposed outlet for successful cinema. 14. Social networking=shortened gap between nations. w. Purpose of Facebook/Twitter x. Business/networking y. Mark Schaefer; author of Tao of Twitter ii. Tweeting/retweeting iii. Twitter is unique. Why? z. Dell; the pioneer of social networking v. Cory Edwards v. â€Å"Dell Outlet Feed† via Twitter vi. Advantages/disadvantages through customer reviews {. Colorado shootings via Twitter. ————-Body——â⠂¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œGlobalization of Digital Media——————– I would like to base my final project on a very simple article that –if read in depth and understood correctly, –publically announces the influence that digital media has on our modern world. My topic on the other hand –not the article, more like the idea behind the article –focuses on global digital media. It focuses on humanity’s horizons, expanding through digital media.Subtopics discussed include: education, brick and mortar commerce, E-commerce, music, cinema, shared â€Å"common† culture from every corner of the globe (shared in a matter of seconds), education and the effects of the availability of education (in a global aspect) to the common man and the not-so-common man and lastly, social networking with its massive influence on digital media consumption. All of these topics relate to one another. They all contribute to the globalizati on of digital media. A main article I am basing my personal opinion off of can be found here: http://media. ezinemark. om/evolution-of-digital-media-an-incredible-advancement-511ee16da73. html Think globally. Even though Digital media began locally. From the television (and its mass development immediately after its invention) to the common simple radio, communication has only been moving up in the technological world. Here is an interesting fact. â€Å"The television took 13 years to reach 50 million viewers, Facebook added 100 million viewers in 9 months. † (Hopkinson, 2009) Is this a miracle? Or just excellent progress? So, along with the development of the television, also came the development of the ever growing rapid sharing of information.As you can see, Facebook’s growth rate is on a completely different level of expansion compared to the old days, when the Television was the â€Å"next big thing†. What changed the game for digital media? I would have to notice the advantages sprouting from an interactive interface system. Designed to be controlled by the user and their own interest, in the â€Å"Web. 1† days, interactivity was a game changer. It still is today. Back in the early 90’s, choosing what interested you online was a big deal. Users could view what they wanted, and when they wanted. Interactivity created a very personal experience.Today, I see interactivity focusing on convenience. Convenience seems to be the key with todays big sellers like Apple, Microsoft, Sony and more. Applications or â€Å"Apps† are always selling like wildfire. This is just me, but I made a keen observation on price free apps being in more abundance than apps that must be purchased. I wonder why that is? Where did it all start? Well, to answer this question we must ask ourselves another question. What is the purest definition of digital media? There is some debate to its actual meaning. I pulled the exact definition from the on line portal for my CMST 301 class.In the week 1, terms and concepts section, it is stated that: â€Å"The term â€Å"digital media† is often used unilaterally to describe any â€Å"online† content but ultimately includes digital transmittable text, graphics, audio, or video content. † –UMUC Webtycho portal I will provide a similar definition, so that readers without access to UMUC’s Webtycho portal may have a quick reference to the definition. According to Microsoft. com (who hasn’t heard of Microsoft? ), this is the definition of Digital Media: â€Å"Digital media refers to audio, video, and photo content that has been encoded (digitally compressed). †So now that we understand just what exactly digital media is. Lets dig deeper to get a better sense of understanding, regarding the evolution of the Internet (digital media), its global influence and how a globalization of digital media will ultimately enhance an already interconnected world. The Internet was not meant to stay the same. It was meant to grow and evolve. I believe what started the dramatic change in Internet experience from the early days, was the interactivity. Like stated before, interactivity was the game changer. Take this image for example. I included this image just to remind you of where digital media came from. In times of change learners inherit the earth; while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists. † – Eric Hoffer â€Å"In times of change learners inherit the earth; while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists. † – Eric Hoffer Digital media is always changing. I see it as a way of life. If you read the quotation above, you will see what I mean. If you do not adapt to new ways of this innovative and technologically advanced world, then you will be dealing with a world that doesn’t exist.However, of co urse it may exist in your own mind, making you what the young kids these days call â€Å"old school†. And there is nothing wrong with being â€Å"old school†; my parents are a bit old school themselves! And I still love them both regardless of their unwillingness to purchase an I-pad instead of a palm pilot. Yes, palm pilots are still made. Humorous. Get an Ipad, Dad. To clarify how important interactivity is to the digital media world, take a look at the graph below. I pulled this from http://www. threeminds. organic. com.It gives us a visual of just how committed companies have become to the concept of customer interactivity. If you check out the percentages on the right side of the table graphic, you will see CAGR. CAGR is an acronym for Compound Annual Growth Rate. This is the most important aspect of this table. It sums up specifically the amount of increases in financial spending, for different branches of the Internet. Not surprisingly, Social media had the high est percentage increase of 34%. Which is why I chose to near my conclusion with social networking. Source: Forrester’s Interactive Advertising Models, 4/09 and 10/08 (US only)With mobile marketing following behind just 7%, social media continued to have the highest increase in spending from 2009 to present, and predicted to hold the same pattern in the future (2014). However, another graph I pulled from the same website shows the growth of mobile media and browsing audiences. News, information and entertainment are also included when discussing â€Å"Mobile Phone Owners†. â€Å"Clearly, the days when parents admonished their kids to use cell phones only for emergencies are over. † * Ben Rogers Cell phones are a huge part of the globalization of digital media. Really I see Apple as a pioneer for the cell phone.Steve Jobs summed it up when he said â€Å"An iPod, a phone, an Internet mobile communicator†¦ these are NOT three separate devices! And we are calli ng it iPhone! Today Apple is going to reinvent the phone. And here it is. † Whatever kind of phone you may have, know that these devices are stealthily taking over our lives. Cellphones, smartphones, mobile phones, and my dad still calls his smart phone a â€Å"Telephone†. For some reason this word â€Å"telephone† is beginning to sound foreign, maybe it’s just me. I only hear that word when talking to older generations. Many households these days don’t even have land line phones.What do you think they use? You guessed it. Smart phones, pre paid cellphones and etc. It’s not even the actual phone calling from phone to phone; it’s the usage of mobile data, applications, email, music and shopping applications that cause smart phones to be more and more popular. We cannot stop the inevitable. We cannot stop the globalization of digital media, no matter what form it may be. We cannot stop the tide. Its basic knowledge to know that any form of progression towards convenience will lead to the popularity of that specific convenience, being smartphones, or whatever form of digital media you happen to be utilizing.There is a story popular in Australia. I believe it directly relates to the subject of fighting what is inevitable. The story goes like this. A King by the name of Canut, attempted to stop an incoming ocean tide. The more educated members of his audience knew that Canute was demonstrating to his followers that neither his royal authority nor his ferocious fighting skills would ever control the power and laws of the great Mother Nature. He demonstrated that you couldn’t stop what is inevitable, what is meant to happen.We cannot fight its growth, its much better to work with it and use it to our advantage, rather than try to remain in a â€Å"traditional† stance and continue to argue over the true meaning of education. So in all the confusion between different types of education, modern, traditional, ivy league, public, military, cultural, life lessons and etc. We must ask ourselves. What is the solid, finite definition of education? Is there one such meaning? I say no. I say this because; education is such a broad term.To help us understand what education is, check out the definition from http://businessdictionary. com: â€Å"The wealth of knowledge acquired by an individual after studying particular subject matters or experiencing life lessons that provide an understanding of something. Education requires instruction of some sort from an individual or composed literature. The most common forms of education result from years of schooling that incorporates studies of a variety of subjects. † –www. businessdictionary. com Now, I recall viewing a national geographic documentary a few years back.It discussed the different types of people with different types of intelligence. The national geographic researchers really focused on the comparison between a NASA rocket sci entist and a Sherpa. You can imagine the amount of graduate/masters programs a NASA rocket scientist would have to achieve, before being employed as a rocket scientist. Could you imagine the amount of experience needed to be a certified Sherpa? A Sherpa is a member of a Himalayan people living on the borders of Nepal and Tibet. They are known worldwide for their skills in mountaineering.Both the individuals were very educated in their respective environments, however if they were to switch places, they would be fall into the category of confused and lost. The ties between education and digital media are intertwined within the threads. Don’t forget that the globalization of digital media does not only include education. I am fascinated by education; this may make me lean towards research regarding education intertwined with digital media, rather than the other numerous aspects of digital media. The Internet really is as diverse as the world itself.With that in mind, let me ask this question. Is it not understood that globally, digital media is the #1 powerhouse. Take entertainment for example. The music and movie industry both benefit (and not so much) from digital media. Of course and up to date person knows that music and movies are easily downloadable through peer to peer (P2P) programs online, such as UTorrent or Bearshare. com. There are so many examples out illegally downloading content out there, this gets more into the ethics of digital media, so lets not get to in depth with this.That is a totally different subject in and of itself. The music industry/cinema industries have gained an innumerable amount of advertising space through digital media. Skilled programmers have created interactive tools online and offline. These programmers have actually given birth to an entirely new genre of music called â€Å"dub step† or modern â€Å"Techno† music. This is just a theory of mine, so please don’t go out of your way to prove me wro ng, unless of course you feel inclined to do so. Constructive criticism is always helpful if taken the right way.Musicians such as Adam Young, more commonly known to the electronica listeners as â€Å"Owl City†. He is a singer and songwriter. In the beginning he did not play the guitar, he was just getting into the keyboard. His instrument of choice during the early stages of his career was his computer and its digital media capabilities. He used programs such as â€Å"Garage Band† on his MacBook, which was incorporated into Apples computer devices in 2006. He used programs online, which were created for interactivity with beats and the incorporation of pieces of musical work from numerous guitarists, pianists and percussionists.His music mainly become known at first through the social networking website known as Myspace. com. Many musicians who become well known in 2007 and after became known through social networking sites. This is just a sample from a musician which most of you probably have not heard of (if you have, I apologize for judging my audience! ) Not only did it influence the creation of an entirely new musical genre, it created a new type of television dubbed â€Å"Webisodes†. This gets more into the cinematic part of digital media, rather than music and education.I remember seeing my first webisode. They were mini episodes composed of small time actors from the show we all know as â€Å"Scrubs†. I believed it originally aired on HBO in 2007. The webisodes were the first of many. Today the more popular show â€Å"The Walking Dead† has its own webisodes. I don’t watch them; research simply showed me they exist. Another discovery here, digital media has created its own vocabulary. I just stumbled upon one right now. The term â€Å"webisode† is not recognized on Microsoft word. It tries to correct the term to â€Å"episode†.Here is an actual definition of the term. â€Å"A Webisode is a single push technology episode. A Webisode can be a preview or promotion of a particular TV show, music video, or other show presented from a Web site using streaming video or other techniques. Some sites are dedicated to presenting Webisodes. † (Rouse, 2005). This is just another minute example of digital media is changing things everywhere. Throughout this class, I have really focused on the social networking aspect of digital media. I did this because I use social networking everyday. I use digital media everyday.With that, I would like to end this research paper with a short focus on social networking, including examples of how social networking has changed the world already, and how it triumphs the consumption of digital media, ultimately resulting in the globalization of digital media. Today, almost everyone, young or old, has some type of social network account. Social networks such as Facebook and Twitter, serve other purposes than that of keeping in touch with loved ones. I n terms of business and networking, they are being used by countless businesses, ranging from a small business to large companies such as Dell.There has been much praise and of course, criticism for using social media. When starting a small business, Mark Schaefer, author of Tao of Twitter, suggests using Twitter to help jumpstart one’s business if they, themselves think personal networking would be beneficial for it. In his book, he dedicates an entire chapter on searching for people who are pertinent in helping one build a business. He mentioned that one could use features on Twitter, like the â€Å"Retweet† option, to assist in getting some recognition. To â€Å"retweet† something on Twitter means to merely re-share or spread something that someone else posted. Retweeting† someone else’s tweet is somewhat a compliment for them. It’s as if you are telling them that are in agreement with what they say or you’re simply telling them â⠂¬Å"Good job†. Personal note, I see this as an attempt by twitter to distinguish itself as different from Facebook, making it more unique. What Schaefer also mentioned was that one can also manage the people who follow him and what they say by arranging them in lists on Twitter. This is to organize and efficiently manage the groups that are associated with his business.Organizing business-related groups in this fashion makes it much easier to interact with those people and network. Large companies can and have benefited from using Twitter and the like. Dell was actually among the first to use social media. Dell’s social director, Cory Edwards, stated that the key to being successful in using these networks is to be attentive towards what the customers are saying and prove to them that you are listening to their feedback. Dell uses social media to obtain feedback from their customers on the quality of their products and to get any suggestions on how to improve them.They have been so successful in doing so that sales have increased significantly via their DellOutlet feed on Twitter. And mentioned earlier, some criticism comes along with the praises. Dell actually utilizes the criticism and uses it to their advantage. For the past few years, they have invited ten critics and ten enthusiasts to talk about the products and what they disliked and liked, respectively. Finally, after that event, Dell would do a follow-up and would inform those 20 people on how their opinions changed them. In addition to using social networks for business, it has also displayed some otential promise spreading the news in the most immediate manner. Because we live in a world where almost all of us are â€Å"glued† to our smart phones/ Iphones, it is convenient to use these devices when informing the public when tragedy strikes. For example, when the Colorado shootings occurred last summer, a 31-year-old woman logged on her Facebook to check her brother’s page. He was supposed to attend the Batman showing. She saw his status, which stated that he didn’t attend the Batman showing, giving her some relief. Many other stories, similar to this, were posted on Facebook and Twitter, but in somewhat different ways.With Facebook, it’s mainly family and friends who view your profile (unless your profile is public or you accept anyone who sends you a friend request). With Twitter, you obtain news from loved ones and from everywhere else in the world because of â€Å"trending topics† that are displayed. In regards to the Colorado shooting, the American Red Cross also tweeted on Twitter advising people in the theater to let their loved ones know that they are safe. Social media networks are, without a doubt, the fastest and most convenient way to update family and friends in times of tragedy.Digital media has touched so many different aspects of our lives. It shares information. It creates musicians. It creates scholars. It shares information from one side of the globe to the other. It communicates like a machine gun on burst. Much like King Canute, I recognize power when I see it. Digital media is one powerful beast. Embrace it, so we may reach our full potential, and thrive in this world of inevitable evolution thanks to digital media. Sources Cited Mathers, L. (2010, 07). Evolution of digital media- an incredible advancement. Free content article directory.Retrieved 03, 2013, from http://media. ezinemark. com/evolution-of-digital-media-an-incredible-advancement-511ee16da73. html Hopkinson, R. (2009, 10). A brief history of digital media. Three minds. Retrieved 03, 2013, from http://threeminds. organic. com/2009/10/a_brief_history_of_digital. html Alexander, A. (2012, 02). Top 15 cell phone and smartphone quotes of all time. Technology, tutorials, social media and infographics. Retrieved 03, 2013, from http://ansonalex. com/technology/top-15-cellphone-smartphone-and-mobile-quotes-of-all-time/ Ryan, Y. 1998 ). Time and tide: teaching and learning online. Australian universities review, 1(41), n/a, 14-15. Rouse, M. (2005, 04). Time and tide: teaching and learning online. Search soa tech target.. Retrieved 03, 2013, from http://searchsoa. techtarget. com/definition/Webisode Mullaney, T. (2012, 05). Social media is reinventing how business is done. USA TODAY. Retrieved 03, 2013, from http://usatoday30. usatoday. com/money/economy/story/2012-05-14/social-media-economy-companies/55029088/1 Mitchell, A. (2011, 05). What facebook and twitter mean for news.The pew research centers project for excellence in journalism the state of the news media 2012 an annual report on american journalism. Retrieved 03, 2013, from http://stateofthemedia. org/2012/mobile-devices-and-news-consumption-some-good-signs-for-journalism/what-facebook-and-twitter-mean-for-news/ Emerson, M. (2013, 02). Learning social media tricks from the big boys. Business day small business. Retrieved 03, 2013, from http://boss. blog s. nytimes. com/2013/02/22/learning-social-media-tricks-from-the-big-boys/ Alcindor, Y. (2012, 07). Social media play growing role on spreading word of tragedy. NEWS. Retrieved 03, 2013, from

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Using the internet research the topic effective study strategies Essay

Using the internet research the topic effective study strategies - Essay Example Ineffective study strategies have led to failure among students (Langan, 2007). To make sure that I do not fall victim, I choose to adopt measures to improve my skills in reading, writing and test taking. Of paramount importance would be to make sure that all assignments involving reading are read before and soon after the class. I will not just be highlighting examinable headlines but will also read the contents actively. In as much as I could be in a hurry to finish reading, speed and intensity would be adjusted where the material is difficult to comprehend. I will use the available material from the library to read beyond the case text for clarity. It could be helpful if I also write as I read as suggested by Durukan (2011). Tutors and professors will be sought for their opinion on what I have written as drafts or initial thesis while seeking to express my ideas as opposed to impressing with vocabulary. When taking tests, the proposition of Mach et al. would be helpful as I will r ead the questions, understand what it seeks to answer and leaving none unanswered (2008). I will avoid mistaking it with skimming, which would still remain an important aspect. In my study timetable, I will re-arrange all reading schedules to come after and before their respective classes and include a 30-minute consultation time with my tutor every week. I will also introduce 3-hour weekly test practice on my

Friday, September 27, 2019

Does It Make Sense For Nestle To Focus Its Growth Efforts On Emerging Essay

Does It Make Sense For Nestle To Focus Its Growth Efforts On Emerging Markets Why - Essay Example The growth level of Nestle is rising in developing nations such as China, South East Asia and a few markets of Middle East, Africa and Latin America. Thus, it makes sense for Nestle to focus its growth in emerging markets (Biotee, n.d.). The company through mergers and acquisitions developed its growth and expanded the operations along with increase in market share in emerging markets. As the rising markets are providing ample of opportunities for Nestle to expand their business in certain growing economies, thus it can provide them opportunity for future sustained growth (One World Trust, 2007). Nestle, one of the world's largest food groups have set out to expand their business in the fast-growing emerging markets which will enable them to make future market growth with the help of new products as well as their existing products (The Economic Times, 2011). Nestle is much conscious of the emerging markets importance to its businesses. In 2009, the company had a 42 per cent fall down in its net profit. In 2010, Nestle had seen a growth of 0.3 per cent from its established markets whereas in Asian countries such as China there was around double- digit growth for the company. In provisions of retail sales the company is also ranked in third after Mars-Wrigley and Cadbury in the emerging markets. Thus, it is important for Nestle to expand its market in emerging nations for its future growth (Greenmail, 2010)... In provisions of retail sales the company is also ranked in third after Mars-Wrigley and Cadbury in the emerging markets. Thus, it is important for Nestle to expand its market in emerging nations for its future growth (Greenmail, 2010) 2.0 What Is the Company’s Strategy With Regard To Business Development in Emerging Markets? Does This Strategy Make Sense? From An Organizational Perspective, What Is Required For This Strategy To Work Effectively? Nestle continues to expand in emerging markets by extending to Central and Eastern Europe with the creation of a new service centre. They had developed strategies in order to generate growth in the local economy by enhancing employment opportunities and creating a talent pool of young skilled workers in the developing nations (Nestle, 2010). In emerging markets Nestle grow by controlling ingredients along with processing technology for local conditions and utilising the suitable brand for that market. In Asia, Nestle attain local comp anies in order to make a group of independent regional managers as they are much acquainted with the culture of local markets than others. They are generally focussed on developing local foods for local markets and they are not providing importance to their global brands in emerging markets. It also localises its distribution and marketing strategy to the requirements of the local market (Slide Share, 2011). In Nigeria, Nestle selected local singers in order to visit towns as well as villages for providing a mix of entertainment along with product demonstrations. In China, the company built its own distribution of network which is branded as ‘milk roads’

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Wilkins.A Zurn company about DEMAN FORECASTING Case Study

Wilkins.A Zurn company about DEMAN FORECASTING - Case Study Example the cyclical nature of US commercial and industrial construction market that affect the revenues generated, the company has experienced sales growth that exceeds the industry. Their positive growth is due to their favorable pricing strategies, product innovations and targeted marketing programs. The current demand forecasting process of the company includes a forecast master and a planning bill. The forecast master is a spreadsheet that lists the average weekly sales history for each product family by quarter and year since 1999. For each product family, the total quarter’s actual sales are divided by 13 weeks per quarter to determine the average weekly sales per quarter. The expected demand for the next five or six quarters is then estimated for the quarters. Each product family had its own planning bill. It contains the sales history for each product within the family. It calculates the average number of units sold within that product family each day within each quarter. It also contains projection on the average daily sales for that family that will sell in the next 12 months. Furthermore, the planning bill disaggregates the family forecast into each product based on the per cent of sales of the product family. Lastly, the planning bill calculates the annual sales forecast for each product within the family. The current forecasting performance utilized by the company is inaccurate. According to sales records, there are variances in the forecasted sales value with respect to the actual sales of the company. This paper will center on the utilization of statistical forecasting methods in order to improve the performance of the business. The current method of forecasting that is utilized by the company does not take into account the seasonality of the sales generated. The forecast is based on the forecast master and the planning bill of each product family. The method of using two forecasting tools to estimate future demand is applicable to the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Nature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Nature - Essay Example Seyyed Hossein Nasr, who is a renowned contemporary academician on Islamic religiousness, states that:   â€Å"If virgin nature serves as support for recollection or remembrance of God, it is because it was created by the Divine Artisan, one of God’s names being al-Åžani’, literally the Divine Artisan or Maker.† Accordingly, one of the influences the secular ethnicities can make to the use, experience, preservation, and enjoyment of nature is an idea of delight, and admiration for its own sake.   The western puritanical work ethic, and its meanings of wealth as the buildup of material properties, has overpowered the whole tenacity of human affiliation to nature.  Ã¢â‚¬Å"If every creature of the world is for us look, picture, and mirror.† Our role is, somewhat, to yield joy in, and enjoyment in caring and preserving a world in which we can learn and grow in wisdom. Use, experience, preservation, and enjoyment of nature is not only a holiday commotion, or a one week ordinary trip.   It is a way of life and undertaking that permeates normal life.   Enjoyment, like praise, is one of the most beneficially healing and naturally occurring states.   To introduce that kind of a state of imaginative farsightedness into our home and workplaces, institutes and homesteads, would definitely transform us from handlers into appreciators of

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 13

Personal Statement Example As a volunteer at my father’s office, I did simple tasks like installing software, setting up new computers, editing documents and connecting internet cables. Though these tasks were simple compared to the complicated computer science world that is full of math and engineering, they were sufficient to further ignite the interest and skills in me. Another important point of inspiration was Dr. Duncan Buell. It was he who gave me an insight into the real scope of computer science. I realized the importance of computer software engineers, computer programmers, computer applications software engineers, and computer systems software engineers in the new world of communication and business. He told me the fact that computer software engineering is one of the fastest growing occupations, and it will be so in the time ahead. As I completed my B.S in Computer Science, I realized the fact that there is a lot more I have to learn in order to make my own contributions in the field. Admittedly, the field only accepts the best and the most effective, and the rest is rejected mercilessly. So, for me, in order to join a multinational firm that offers chances of unlimited growth, it is necessary for me to gain better knowledge and sharpen my skills. So, I found that it is necessary for me to do masters in Computer Science and Computer Engineering. Admittedly, I have another desire too in pursing my master in Computer Science and Computer Engineering. That is to learn more about, and specialize in the inclusion of nanotechnology. I have come to know that nanotechnology offers a number of areas for research and development. Some of them are swarm intelligence, genetic algorithms, and cellular automata. Thus, I intend to further concentrate on the nanotech challenge of developing a nanorobot that is capable of self-repairing, self-replicating, and multiplying. I am very much aware that this masters degree in Computer Science and Computer

Monday, September 23, 2019

Why is consumption an environmental issue Critical evaluation of the Essay

Why is consumption an environmental issue Critical evaluation of the role of key stakeholders in the UK in the policy debate around consumption - Essay Example In one way or another we have to consume different things in order to survive for example we have to consume food and water, use electricity and fuel (Botsman and Rogers, 2011).  . It is then surprising when we begin to think of consumption as an environmental issue but in reality it has become a big issue with concerns for the environment. Consumption can now be easily referred to as overconsumption because what used to be the normal levels needed for an individual to survive have been surpassed now it has turned into a kind of selfish consumption whereby you take more than you need or larger quantities than required. The population of the earth is drastically increasing; it would not be such a major problem to the environment if the current consumption rate was not so high. With the increase of the world’s population the globe seems to shrink in size and therefore the resources decrease too because of the high consumption rate which is very hazardous towards the environmen t (Daunton, and Hilton, 2001).  ... It is estimated that an average household in the United Kingdom uses up to 1000 gallons of water in a day. Some areas in the UK consume so much water to the point that other places in the UK experience water shortages, the higher the consumption in one area the less it may be for the others because they may have limited access to water. Greenhouse gas emission is a serious concern in regards to the environment. The increase of the production of greenhouse gases leads to the rise of global warming. The ozone layer is meant to protect the earth from the ultraviolet rays of the sun which are harmful, the emission of these greenhouse gases leads to the depletion of the ozone layer therefore this exposes the earth to dangerous ultraviolet rays (Tremblay, 2005).  . The use of aerosol propellants and a certain gas that was used for refrigeration were banned and phased out in the UK due to the fact that these gases are considered as greenhouse gases. The repeated consumption of these gases led to a certain extent of pollution that harms the environment. The emission of greenhouse gases has increased drastically in the UK from around the year 1990 because of the manufacture of short term consumer items but a policy has been enforced to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases by 80% in the year 2050. UK is one of the countries with the highest carbon emission in the world and most of this is carbon emission is man-made. Since 1990 to the year 2002 there has been a drastic reduction in the carbon emission produced in the United Kingdom, this means that the goal set for the year 2050 is actually achievable. The depletion of the ozone layer has also led to the drastic climate changes. During

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Fresh Direct Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Fresh Direct - Case Study Example This paper outlines that Jason Ackerman and Joseph Fedele. As a result, many retail grocery stores started offering their service online by developing their websites; online grocery shopping was considered as the best way of doing shopping for food and it affected sales of various retail giants. In order to place an order, the customers need to have an order of $30 along with delivery fees. The company was significantly impacted when competition intensified in the industry as competitors started offering local organic and grown food items but there were some aspects that these emerging competitors were unable to compete with the company. FreshDirect claimed to have revenue of about $250 million which is an increase of almost $20 million from previous year; the customer base is within the range of 20-25%. YourGrocer has been launched with strategy focusing on bulk buying as customers prefer to order in large quantities of goods and get instant deliveries which is being offered by this online grocery store According to Johnson et al., Porter’s five forces model is important for assessing the position of a company in its industry. It will help in making decisions strategically that will help in increasing profitability of FreshDirect. The threat of new entrants is low in online grocery industry as new entrants will have to invest huge capital amount and need to have experience along with understanding about advance technological system for efficient management. Any new entrant will have to learn various aspects on online grocery stores and have access to reliable suppliers and well-known distributors. Customers these days are aware of various options that are available online and have high power for bargaining their prices and needs. It is easier for customers to switch to other competitors if they are not provided high quality products at affordable price range.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Video game essay Essay Example for Free

Video game essay Essay Are video games bad for you? Sure, parents and adults will tell you they are bad, but how are they bad for you? Many will tell you that video games hurt your eyes and damage your nerves. They may even tell you video games make you more violent, but they cannot provide any evidence to back up their opinions. Nor do they realize the real problem—which is not video games themselves—but the addiction that drives many gamers to play video games to the exclusion of all else. In this essay, I will show that video game addiction is the real reason why video games are bad for you. Video game addiction leads to poor performance in school and insufficient physical inactivity. Video game addiction can have a negative effect on academic achievement. For example, a study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology indicates that the more a student plays video games, the worse their academic performance is in school. A second study by Argosy Universitys Minnesota School on Professional Psychology found that video game addicts argue a lot with their teachers, fight a lot with their friends, and score lower grades than others who play video games less often. As these sources suggest, video game addicts obsessive gaming comes at a cost to their academic performance and relationships with those around them, ultimately leading to poor performance in school —and life. Video game addiction also leads to physical inactivity and related health problems. This occurs because obsessive gamers sacrifice a balanced lifestyle so they can spend all their free time playing video games. Instead of going out and rollerblading, playing hoops, or hanging out with friends, they sit in front of a screen for hours and hours. Consequently, they do get the exercise they need. The Center for Disease Control recommends 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity every day. When these gamers do not get this exercise, they are abusing their bodies and risking developing heart disease and other cardiovascular problems; they even run the risk of becoming obese, which further increases the chances of cardiovascular problems and could result in them developing diabetes. As I have shown in this essay, video game addiction leads to poor performance in school and physical inactivity. The urge to play games can drive gamers to neglect their studies and injure relationships with those around them. Their desire to play video games can cause them to disregard healthy levels of activity, leading to health problems and even obesity. The key to keeping the negative influence of video games in check is one word: control. If gamers can balance video games with the rest of their lives, video games can be a fun, entertaining diversion; but when video games take over their lives, they are left with a life that is not worth living. This type of addiction develops when gamers obsess over the video games they play. As result, they As this evidence indicates, video game addiction promotes physical inactivity, putting gamers at risk of obesity, heart disease and other health problems. Thus, students addicted to sacrifice homework and study to whatever game they are currently obsessing over, This results in excessive physical inactivity, which puts gamers at risk of developing heart disease and other cardiovascular problems, or becoming overweight. by spending all their free time playing. as gamers spend all their free time playing their games. Without the required levels of physical activity, these gamers risk developing cardiovascular problems, such as The Center for Disease Control and American Heart Associatoin.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Partnership Relations Between Ukraine And Eu Politics Essay

Partnership Relations Between Ukraine And Eu Politics Essay Year of 1993 can be considered as the beginning of the partnership relations between Ukraine and the EU, when Ukrainian parliament Verchovna Rada in its resolution On (over) main directions of Ukraines foreign policy stated that longer-term view of foreign policy of Ukraine is accession to the EU. Nevertheless, this goal stood out as one of several quite contradictory decisions on the list at the time, when Verchovna Rada conducted a multidirectional international foreign policy. Over the following years came into effect several agreements between Ukraine and the EU, in particular on (over) the sale of various kinds of goods (metal products, textiles) and on (over) the cooperation in the nuclear industry. Of particular significance is the Agreement on Partnership and Cooperation, which Ukraine has signed (was signed by) with the EU as one of the first of the CIS (The Commonwealth of Independent States) countries on 14 June 1994. Though there were a number of inconsistencies in fulfil lment its obligations from the Ukrainian side, which greatly complicated the negotiatation process for further economic integration between the two sides, it is also clear that the agreement has fulfilled its role to start building constructive relations between EU and Ukraine, creating a fundamentally new type of cooperation. Nine years later, in May 2002, President L.Kuschma, during his annual address to Parliament stated objectives, aimed to bring Ukraine closer to European community. Ambitions looked as follows(ing): In 2003-2004, to sign an agreement with the EU associate membership and negotiate a free trade zone; In 2004-2007, Ukraine has to implement all the necessary procedures for the entry into force of the agreement on associate membership; In 2005-2007, Ukraine needs to create a Customs Union with the EU; In 2007-2011 Ukraine is to fulfill the conditions required for EU accession. At the same time Ukraine has appealed to the European Union to grant it the status of associate member. Instead Ukraine has been offered the status of neighbor EU, a more detailed explanation of which appeared almost a year later. Basic principles of the new neighborhood policy were set out in the directive of the Commission and Council of the European Union to the European Parliament Wider Europe Neighbourhood: A new dimension to our relations with eastern and southern neighbors. The aim of the new European Neighborhood Policy was to provide a framework for the development of new relations with the countries bordering the EU, which would in the immediate perspectives of which do not include (à Ã‚ ²Ãƒ Ã‚ ¾Ãƒâ€˜Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ тут ц¡Ãƒâ€˜Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ãƒ Ã‚ ¾ Ñ‚Ã Ã‚ ¾ à Ã‚ ½Ãƒ Ã‚ µ à Ã‚ ¿Ãƒ Ã‚ ¾Ãƒ Ã‚ ½Ãƒâ€˜Ã‚ Ãƒâ€˜Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ãƒ Ã‚ ½Ãƒ Ã‚ ¾Ãƒ Ã‚ µ) prospects of membership or participation in the institutions of the Union. Policy Action Plan Neighborhood was implemented based on an analysis of achievements and failures in the relationship between the two parties. It could be described in another way as an integration without Europeanization. However incomplete, this was a diplomatic foundation upon which the fostering of the constructive relationship gave a start to more constructive relationship. Ukraine, together with other countries, such as Georgia, Armenia, Azerbajian, Moldova, belong to the East Subgroup, with EU aspiration (à Ã‚ ³Ãƒ Ã‚ ´Ãƒ Ã‚ µ à Ã‚ ³Ãƒ Ã‚ »Ãƒ Ã‚ °Ãƒ Ã‚ ³Ãƒ Ã‚ ¾Ãƒ Ã‚ »?). Aspirations, however, cannot outbalance notable disparity in rates of development in a number of branches. Thus, the level and characteristics of economic development of Ukraine imposed (and still do) significant restrictions on the integration capabilities of Ukraine. Economic perspective Unconditional obstacle to Ukraines EU membership remains a huge gap in economic development of Ukraine and European countries. Indicator of living standards in Ukraine (officially, the indicator of standard of living, composed from data on life expectancy, education and per-capita GNI), even taking into account purchasing power parity (PPP, which is an expression of the idea that if ignoring transaction costs, identical good will have the same prices on various markets), is approximately 15% of the EU average. The share of Ukraines foreign trade EU is very small, and justified by the small size of the Ukrainian economy. In 2001, Ukraines share in EU imports amounted to 0,4% and 0,5% in its exports and that is given that the export accounted for 70% of Ukrainian GDP and the rate of exports per capita is about 5% of the EU average. Political situation Viktor Yanukovych became the 4th President of Independent Ukraine in February 2010. On February 7 2010 Janukowitsh defeated his main rival and fierce political opponent of many years Julia Timoshenko. Juschenko was defeated in the first round of election in January, when won less than total of 6 per cent of votes. Janukowitsch is an openly pro-russian president, comes from the Russian- speaking part of Ukraine and is well-known to be strongly supported by a number of pro-russian businessmen and Russian clans in this presidential campaign.The lost of trust of Ukrainian people in Viktor Juschenko was evident. Viktor Juschenko, the former Head of National Bank, in December 2004, during Orange Revolution has become the 3rd President of independent Ukraine with 51.9 per cent of votes ( debates are still ongoing, whether in his presidential campaign he was financially heavily supported by the US government, which is, as speculated, amounted to millions of US dollars). His attemps to bring Ukraine into NATO brought opposition from the majority of Ukrainians. The other crude misdirection was to make Russia, in the media, at least, a fierce enemy, which was and is a crude (Ñ‚Ã Ã‚ °Ãƒ Ã‚ ²Ãƒâ€˜Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ãƒ Ã‚ ¾Ãƒ Ã‚ »Ãƒ Ã‚ ¾Ãƒ Ã‚ ³Ãƒ Ã‚ ¸Ãƒâ€˜Ã‚ ) strategical mistake, not only economically but also socially, if taken into account that the biggest minority in Ukraine are Russians. His attempt to alienate Ukraine from its neighbor was unthinkable in the country where roughly 50 per cent of indigenous population consider Russian as their mother tongue and enthusiastically consume made-in-Russia media products. It should not be denied that to a certain extent this brotherhood is purposely played up by the media, but the influence of Russian culture on Ukrainian mentality simply should not be dismissed. Eventually he was a president of a handful of pro-western group of intelligentsia, which is a minority in a predominantly rural Ukraine. In addition, political ly ugly split between Juschenko and Timoshenko, when the Head of BYT refused to play a second violin, sped up the downfall of his influence on the hearts and minds of Ukrainian folk. The tensions in his camp were continuous, public and eventually destructive for his political career. The weakness in his position was already obvious when during the Parlamental elections Jutshenko Party won less that 14 per cent of votes. Dissapointment in Orange Revolution fostered a collapse of the Orange coalition in July 2006, resulting in the appearance of a new AntiCrisis Coalition, composed of the Party of Regions, led by V.Janukovych, the Socialist Party of Ukraine and the Communist Party of Ukraine. Their agenda offered significant changes to the presidential one, as in domestic projects as well as in the foreign affairs policy, though eventually the signing of a Manifesto of National Unity still took place between the opposing parties. This document ratified the Ukraine intention to continue integration talks with the EU and to co-operate with NATO. At the same time, its implementation remained problematic as the anti-crises coalition was making attempts to evade the implementation of certain points of the Manifesto (e.g. co-operation with NATO). Questions arose and during interpretation of certain statements of Manifesto by different parties. Agreements between Ukraine and the EU. Ukraine is currently considered as a key partner with the European Neighbourhood policy (ENP) and the Eastern Partnership, which are there to ensure that the whole of the EU is committed to deeper relations with all our neighbours and at the same time to develop tailor-made relations with each country. In March 2007 EU-Ukraine Association Agreement was launched to replace the previous Partnershp and Cooperation Agreement, the aim of which is to establish deep and comprehensive Free Trade Area with the EU, following Ukraines accession to the World Trade Organisation (WTO, an organization that intent/ds to supervise and liberalize international trade) in May 2008). The question remains how long Kiew will need to wait for a full Agreement, which in its turn depends how swiftly Kiew will accept and fulfill its obligations set in the ENP Action Plans, which as stated by the ENP can happen only from the involvement of both the government and the civil society organisations. The role of civ il society organizations, in their part, consists of identifying priorities for action and in promoting and monitoring the implementation of ENP Action Plans. Though EU considers civil society organizations as important players in establishment transparency and systematization, the question remains whether Ukrainian legislature can ensure independent functioning of these non-government organizations and protection from manipulative pressure by Government or other interested players. Partnership and Co-operation Agreement (PCA) is currently the legal framework of EU-Ukraine relations, which provides a framework for political dialogue, sets the principal common objectives in terms of promotion of trade and investment, sustainable development, economic, social, financial, civil, scientific, technological and cultural cooperation, legal approximation and support to Ukraines efforts to consolidate its democracy and to develop its economy. PCA, on its part, set up a framework, which consists of Co-operation Council, consisting of the members of the Government of Ukraine on the one hand and of the members of the EU Council and of the European Commission on the other, as well as co-operation Committee, which are to meet regularly to monitor the progress in implementing economic/trade chapters of the EU-Ukraine Action Plan. The head Committee consists of a number of sub-committees. Another significant committee to mention is the Parliamentary Co-operation Committee (PCC), consisting of the members of the Ukrainian Parliament and the European Parliament and meets twice a year. Among other agreements on cooperation are Agreement between the European Union and Ukraine establishing a framework for the participation of Ukraine in the European Union crisis management operations, as well as the Agreement on cooperation in science and technology between the European Community and Ukraine , Agreements between the European Community and Ukraine on certain aspects of air services, agreement for Cooperation in the Field of Civil Satellite Navigation, Visa Facilitation and Readmission agreements. Another field of cooperation worth mentioning is Black Sea Synergy Joint Statement, signed in Kiev in 2008 between EU and the Black Sea Foreign Affairs Ministers in order to stimulate democratic and economic reforms, support stability and promote development, facilitate projects in areas of common concern, open up opportunities and challenges through coordinated action in a regional framework, and encourage the peaceful resolution of conflicts in the region. Another important field of cooperation is in the sphere of natural gas and oil. Ukrainian Naftogaz is already a member of several international organizations such Gas Centre of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, the European Energy Forum, and the International Gas Union. In May 2010 Naftogaz began the procedure of accession to Eurogas, the European Union of the Natural Gas Industry as an associated member. On 21 May at the meeting in Berlin, Germany Chairman of the Naftogaz of Ukraine Board of Directors Yevhen Bak ulin and Eurogas President Domenico Dispenza signed the Memorandum of Understanding, concerning cooperation in energy sphere. Based on this Memorandum a Joint Declaration was signed on 23 March 2009 during joint EU-Ukraine International Conference for Modernization of Gas Transportation System of Ukraine. A technical coordination group was created to realize provisions of the Joint Declaration. This group is comprised of experts from Naftogaz of Ukraine, SE Ukrtransgaz, and experts from the European Commission and international financial organizations (EIB, EBRD, and WB). Naftogaz of Ukraine received technical assistance within the framework of the à Ã‚ ¢Ãƒ Ã‚ Ãƒ Ã‚ ¡Ãƒ Ã¢â‚¬  S/INOGATE program financed by the European Union. The main goal of this program is to increase security of transit and supply of energy resources to European consumers by fostering regional integration of oil and gas pipeline systems. On 24 September 2010 Ukraine joined the European Energy Community, the significance of which was underlined by the European Commissioner for Energy Gunther Oettinger as to help Ukraine to have access to a pan-European energy market, based on the principles of solidarity and transparency, since for the Community, Ukraine is an important new member and security of supply further improved.The energy Community entered into force on 1 July 2006. The goal of the European Energy Community is to liberalize their energy markets and implement key EU legal acts in the area of electricity, gas, environment and renewable energy. Another point of cooperation is the European Parliament Resolution of 25 Novermber 2010 on Ukraine. Overall, the resolution can be said to have taken a soft stand recent violation of local elections and characterized them as largely quiet, though not setting new democratic standards, even though certain partied of the EP, such as European Peoples Party (EPP) proposed originally to regognize the elections in Ukraine as unfree, unfair and undemocratic. The resolution was also lenient on describing problems associated with the implementation of democratic freedoms, especially the freedom of speech, even though called to investigate the role of the SBU in connection with the interference in the democratic process. Other comments and suggestions, proposed by the EP, concerned mainly the continuation of the reforms. The EP insisted on a comprehensive amendment to the Constitution, the Election Code and the Public Information Act. Significantly, in the resolution it was firstly stated that in accordance with Article 49 of the Agreement on the European Union, Ukraine can apply for membership in the EU, which is in itself is a progress in the relationship. The EP also announced its support of the annulment of the visa regime between Ukraine and the EU in the future. Ukraine urged the EP in its part to cancel Schengen visa fees for Ukrainian citizens in the nearest future and institute visa-free travel during Euro 2012. Some Ukrainian officials blatantly cheered the document, not only because the Ukrainian Governent received from the EP a recognition of the prospects of the EU membership, but also the right to file an application to the EU. But not all. Former Vice Premier H,Nemyria described the resolution and the uttered support by the EP of Ukraine as a slap in the face, which alienated the country even further from the EU. Not everbody agrees on the interpretation of the resolution, but nevertheless its significance is undisputable, even though the split in the EP between its parties as to what position the EP should take in regard to Ukraine remain. Among the spheres of cooperation is Education, which stresses the importance of increasing cooperation on youth and student exchanges and the development of scholarship programmes which will enable Ukrainians to become acquainted with the European Union and its Member States. As well as calls on the Ukrainian authorities to step up efforts to fight corruption; expects, in this regard, that positive political statements will be matched by decisive action in combating corruption at all levels, on the basis of political impartiality; calls for the establishment of a level playing field for business and for application of the same rules to domestic and foreign investors; in that connection, deplores the over-involvement of big business in political life , Highlights Ukraines pivotal role in the European Unions energy security; emphasises the importance of stepping up cooperation between Ukraine and the EU in the field of energy; calls on Ukraine to implement its commitments arising out o f the Joint Declaration of the EU-Ukraine International Investment Conference on the Modernisation of Ukraines Gas Transit System; calls for further agreements to be concluded between the EU and Ukraine aimed at securing energy supplies for both sides, including a reliable and diversified transit system for oil and gas; emphasises that if Ukraine is to have a modern gas transit system, it requires transparent, efficient and high-quality transit services through a modernised gas transportation network, and also, among others Calls on the Ukrainian Government to bring the legislation on media freedom into line with OSCE standards; decisive action in this regard would strengthen Ukraines credibility as OSCE Chairmanship-in-Office for 2013. On the whole the resolution outlines some common points of cooperation and offers nothings specific. The more significant are practical steps and concrete agreements, for example, in the area of Free Trade. Minister of Economy V. Piatnitski, after a recent round of negotionations between the economic delegations of Ukraine and the EU, is moderately pessimistic about the prospects for approval of the agreement on free trade area (FTA) any time soon, as European Commision has basically blocked for now Ukrainian access to European market in energy and transport (Mirror of week, 16.10). Ukrainian side has characterized the conditions as not very favourable for Ukraine, except in the area of internation marine traffic, but where Ukraine has really no substantial resources. From the Piatniskis words Ukraine has a great potential in the areas of power transmission, ground transportation, which is making it increasingly competitive. The fact that these markets are closed to Ukraine for now is a serious question. The EU wants to oblige Ukraine to accept and subsidize the mechanism of compensation for unforeseen situations in the field of energy, such as disruptions in gas supplies. They are very concerned about the security of energy transit through Ukraine, the occurrence of situations of force majeure, the fault of one party (in this case meaning(s) the Ukraine), and therefore offer the expedited dispute settlement mechanism, a compensation mechanism, built on the fact that any amount corresponding to the equivalent of potential losses is deposited outside of Ukraine. That is, we are depositing some money, and if something suddenly happens to our fault, it is written off unconditionally. It turns out that the state must assume full responsibility for them. Accession of Ukraine to the Customs Union of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan would have led to an immediate cessation of talks on free trade zone between Ukraine and the EU, because as a member of the Customs Union, Ukraine would be able to sign any agreements on free trade with the EU. And however there are no ongoing negations at present between Ukraine and the Customs Unions, it still remains potentially a point of tensions in negotiation between Ukraine and the EU. Some important conclusions to be made from this recent round of negations can be stated as following: 1. The European Commission continues to consider Ukraine as mere objects of trade and economic expansion and little concerned about the consequences of those decisions imposed on Ukraine. In this case, European experts are strictly concerned with getting benefits for domestic producers of goods and services and does not take into account the perspectives of development of Ukrainian economy, which in principle is quite natural for economic talks. 2. The EU merely sees Ukraine as a component in the politics of the Eastern Partnership. At present there are no targeted specific programs to adapt Ukrainian economy to the EU standards, except for some minor technical assistance in some economical areas. The priority of the EU is for Ukraine to completely adapt its economic legislation to the EU standards in sectors of transportation, energy and services, which Ukraine cannot do, if merely for technical reasons. 3. the FTA with the EU imposes all kinds of quotas, limiting the volume of Ukrainian exports. The size of tariff has been already agreed upon on nearly 95 per cent of the goods. European Commission calls on complete abolition of all export duties. It need to be pointed out, that 70% of the total EU trade occurs among the countries of its community, and among them there are about 100 preferential agreements, which account for 29,5% of trade and to which Ukraine will have no relationship. At the same time, the Ukrainian share of trade is bordering on 1%, while trade with the EU accounts for 30% of Ukraines foreign trade. 4. Entry into force of the FTA between the EU and Ukraine will inevitably be accompanied by an ultimatum, demanding the termination of all other free trade agreements with Russia and other CIS countries. This withdrawal is a doubtlessly a precondition for ratification of the Association Agreement with the EU. The notable example is Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, which in their time, at the request of the European Commission denounced the free trade agreement with Ukraine on the eve of their accession to the EU. The biggest difference, however, is that Ukraine is certainly not entering the European Union in the foreseeable future. Therefore, its can be predicted based on these negotiations that Ukraine would not rush into any premature agreements, for the sake of some illusory closeness with the EU. Ukrainian-Russian relations There are|is a number of other problems which need to be balanced out before talks of|over the EU integration can continue. Importantly, it is the Ukraine-Russia relationship, resolutions of geographical differences and gas/oil transition. Firstly, the dispute on the Kerch Strait (connects the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov, separating the Kerch Peninsual in the west from the Taman Peninsula in the East) must be resolved. Secondly, there are tensions regarding the Russian South Stream gas transition and how this pipeline is being constructed to bypass the territory of Ukraine, and how, possibly, it is used in order to put a pressure on the Ukrainian Government. President Janukovych spoke of a way of blackmail from Russian government and though it has begun before we came to power, it is a challenge which needs to be met and dealt with.The priority of Ukraine now is to prove that Ukraine is, notwithstanding, a reliable transit country, which means modernization of the pipelines, among others, with the financial help of the EU. According to V.Janukovych both Russia and Europe have an access to the management of Ukrainian gas transportation system. Modernization will allow them to become shareholders. Thirdly, is the prospect of joining the Customs Union with Russia, Belarus and Khazakhstan. Official position of present Ukrainian government does not give a straightforward answer, stressing that Ukraine might consider joining the Customs Union, if he|it sees for himself the obvious benefits and if it is clearly in the nations interests. Furthermore, to joint the Union, certain ammendmends to the Constitution must be made, which are possible only if the idea will find support of 300 deputies in the Parliament. Overall, the chance of gathering 300 votes is not convincing, to seriously speculate the adherence to the Union at present. In the recently signed decree by the President V. Janukovych (The Decree à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾- 1119/2010 of 10.12.2010), among other instructions to enhance the level of defense and the financial stability of the country, are also a number of statements, urging to facilitate an Association Agreement between the EU and Ukraiine, including the creation of deep and comprehensive free trade area agreements with the CIS, Canada and other prospective trading partners and identifying priority area of cooperation between Ukraine and NATO. Another major event is the recent 14th Summit EU-Ukraine which has taken place recently on the 22.11.2010. The main points of discussing were the adoption of the Action Plan for launching of a smooth transition to a visa-free regime. Action Plan, adopted specifically for Ukraine, define the criteria to be fulfilled by Ukraine and specifies measures that can be taken by the EU to liberalize visa regime for Ukrainian citizens, traveling into the EU countries. The most realistic part of this plan concerns the abolition of visas , which will allow Ukrainian citizens to travel to the EU for up to three months without a visa and pay visa fees. European Commission President (à Ã‚ ¸Ãƒ Ã‚ ¼Ãƒâ€˜Ã‚ ?) Barroso on the possible timing of the abolition of visas à Ã‚ ³Ãƒ Ã‚ »Ãƒ Ã‚ °Ãƒ Ã‚ ³Ãƒ Ã‚ ¾Ãƒ Ã‚ » no specific answer. Estimated EU representatives, in the case of Ukraines implementation of all requirements, theoretically it can be expected in 2012 President V. Janukovych reiterated that the EU membership remains a strategic goal and that Ukraine has taken a firm course towards European integration, especially, since through the efforts of its government, Ukraine has resumed economic growth. GDP growth was over 5%, industrial production over 11%. While the EU president G.van Rompuy noted the high intensity of dialogue between Ukraine and the EU in 2010, emphasizing the Ukraine is a strategically important partner for the EU and that the parties are waiting for an early conclusion of negotiations on the conclusion of viable and working Association Agreement. In his turn, the European commission Pressident Jose Manuel Barroso expressed his expectation that the Association Agreement between EU and Ukraine will be completed by mid-2011. We would like to see progress on the agenda of democratic reform in Ukraine it is important for open and democratic society. Briefly, Ukraines implementation of the Action Plan involves the following steps: 1. The introduction of biometric passports, which contain a special chip containing information about its owner (photo, fingerprints, voice sample, a snapshot of the iris) ц¡Ãƒâ€˜Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ãƒ Ã‚ ¾ à Ã‚ ·Ãƒ Ã‚ ° ц¦Ãƒ Ã‚ µÃƒâ€˜Ã¢â€š ¬Ãƒ Ã‚ ½Ãƒâ€˜Ã‚ , à Ã‚ ·Ãƒ Ã‚ °Ãƒâ€˜Ã¢â‚¬ ¡Ãƒ Ã‚ µÃƒ Ã‚ ¼ Ñ Ãƒâ€˜Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ãƒ Ã‚ ¾ à Ã‚ ½Ãƒ Ã‚ °Ãƒ Ã‚ ´Ãƒ Ã‚ ¾?. On the 17 Novermber 2010 The Cabinet of Ukraine adopted the Resolution on the introduction of biometric passports. 2. Creation of a single Institution to control migration. Until now, migration issues were in the competence of the border guards and Ministry of Internal Affairs. 3. Transfering the existing database on population registry into electronic form, which will contain data about every citizen in a comprehensive electronic format. 4. Settlement of external borders disputes, including the demarcation of land borders with Russia, Belarus and Moldova. 5. Solving the problems relating to illegal immigration (in the framework of the agreement with the EU on readmission, which obliges Ukraine to ensure the repatriation of illegal migrants from third countries who have got into the EU via Ukraine). 8. A new agreement between the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and Europol. Ukrainian side should inform Europol of all criminal cases of interest to Europol. Among others important conditions are also a reform of the Judicial System to European standards and reducing corruption. As a conclusion to his recent round of negations can be said that overall it was constructive, though without big promises. Perhaps, most importantly that the EU does not consider Janukovychs regime dictatorial or overtly antidemocratic, like in Belarus, for example, and is ready, at its own rate, to cooperate, without putting too much pressure on Ukraine or taking drastic measure to advance its course, like using force or bluntly blocking certain procedures. In any case, the EU would be wise not to exert pressure on Ukraine, if only not to force Ukraine to turn to its neighbor Russia for increased assistance and cooperation, which the EU tries to avoid by all costs. Conclusion I (à Ã‚ ²Ãƒ Ã‚ ¾Ãƒâ€˜Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ à Ã‚ ·Ãƒ Ã‚ ´Ãƒ Ã‚ µÃƒâ€˜Ã‚ Ãƒâ€˜Ã…’ Ñâ‚ ¬Ãƒ Ã‚ °Ãƒ Ã‚ ·Ãƒ Ã‚ ²Ãƒ Ã‚ µ à Ã‚ ½Ãƒ Ã‚ µ we à Ã‚ ´Ãƒ Ã‚ ¾Ãƒ Ã‚ »Ãƒ Ã‚ ¶Ãƒ Ã‚ ½Ãƒ Ã‚ ¾ à Ã‚ ±Ãƒâ€˜Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒâ€˜Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ãƒâ€˜Ã…’, à Ã‚ ºÃƒ Ã‚ °Ãƒ Ã‚ º à Ã‚ ² à Ã‚ ½Ãƒ Ã‚ °Ãƒâ€˜Ã†â€™Ãƒâ€˜Ã¢â‚¬ ¡Ãƒ Ã‚ ½Ãƒ Ã‚ ¾Ãƒ Ã‚ ¹ Ñâ‚ ¬Ãƒ Ã‚ °Ãƒ Ã‚ ±Ãƒ Ã‚ ¾Ãƒâ€˜Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ãƒ Ã‚ µ?) would like to abstain from any overhasty conclusions regarding EU-Ukraine relationship. Firstly, it is the overexpansion of the EU and its seeming incapability to sustain and support all its members. Some believe that Europeans have lost their keenness, became impassive as to further expansion. There are tensions within the EU in many spheres, the most prominent recently is the giving a huge financial aid to proclaimed financially insolvent Greece. Many experts predict that Portugal will be the next to follow. Official stance on expansion was expressed by German Chancellor Angela Merkel as following: The enlargement of the EU from 15 to 27 members within a few yearsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦has required great efforts. As a result the CDU prefers a phase of consolidation, during which a consolidation of the European Unions values and institutions should take priority over further EU enlargement. Roughly 50 per cent of Germans oppose Ukrainian membership into the EU, for example. Besides, there are a number of countries that are ahead of the Ukraine. Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Turkey are officially filed for the candidacy and the negotiations talks on there entrance are already being discussed for some time. Among other countries with the EU aspirations are Albania, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Economical crises made Iceland to apply for membership, following devastating collapse of its economy and banking system. Whether Ukraine in this situation has a valid chance and can compete in urgency with other states-candidates is questionable. Also, to reiterate, the EU would not rush with promises unless Ukraine start fulfulling its promises to undertake democratic reforms in accordance with the EU rules, put together legislature, banking system, boost the economy, adopt anti-corruption measures and put them successfully into practice and many more. It seems Ukraine has years of tough work ahead to adapt to the EU standards. The last but not the least is normalization of relationship with Russian within the framework of the EU. As it is known, for historical, economical, political reasons, Russia is not welcoming tight relations between Ukraine and the EU, seeing, firstly, the threat to its integrity. More painful for Russia is the possible entering of Ukraine into NATO. Become Ukraine a part of the EU, it would most certainly distance Ukraine from its north-eastern partner with dire consequences in economical/political agreements and Russia tries to avoid it by all costs or at least slow down the process, since Ukraine i s, among others, is situated at an important strategic part of Eastern Europe. And that is not to mention Chernomorsky Fleet of the Russian Federation stationed in the Crimea Peninsula and Russian gas/oil, aimed for the EU, 80 per cent of those export travel through the pipeless across Ukrainian territory. If Ukraine enters the EU, it would not be so simple for Russia to exert its pressure on Ukraine and dictate its terms. These are issues that cannot be easily resolved. But perhaps even more vital question is wether Ukrainian people welcome this expansion, if we consider that political desisions are made for the benefit of its people and not merely to satisfy the interests of a handful of politians and businessmen with aspirations? Certainly, there is not enough information in Ukrainian mass media about the EU. It can also be explained that ukrainian journalists simply are not adequately educated about the EU, which by large create this information gap in the country. On the news domestic affa

Thursday, September 19, 2019

John Keats Ode on a Grecian Urn and Ode to a Nightingale Essays

John Keats' Ode on a Grecian Urn and Ode to a Nightingale John Keats, in "Ode on a Grecian Urn" and "Ode to a Nightingale" attempts to connect with two objects of immortality to escape from the rigors of human life. In "Ode to a Nightingale", Keats attempts to connect with a bird's song because the music knows nothing of aging and mortality. Keats has the same motivation in "Ode on a Grecian Urn" while trying to connect with three separate images on a mysterious urn. Connecting in this sense means to either fully understand the object or become the object itself. For example, when Keats attempts to "connect" with an image on the urn, he attempts to fully understand the origin of the image. While his attempts to connect with the two objects fall short, he nevertheless makes an interesting conclusion about the ideals of beauty and truth. Keats begins the "Ode to a Nightingale" in pain, before hearing the melody of the nightingale. After hearing this music, he wishes to join the bird and leave the human world. He first attempts to connect with the bird using a "draught of vintage" (11), but upon further thinking, decides that he will "not (be) charioted by Bacchus and his pards" (32). (Bacchus is god of wine and revelry.) Keats finally joins the bird on the "viewless wings of Poesy." Though able to imagine his flight with the nightingale, the narrator is can't actually see anything. Keats can imagine the "fast fading violets cover'd up in leaves" (47), but "cannot see what flowers are at my feet" (41). He can also picture the moon in his mind, but says "there is not light" (38). The song of the nightingale has Keats in such ecstasy b... ...ll we needed to know, according to Keats, was that "beauty is truth, truth beauty" (49 Urn). The narrator would never know what the nightingale meant when it sang its songs. Furthermore, Keats would never be able to fully understand the images on the urn because it was created in a different time period. Therefore, Keats would never understand the full truth behind either the song or the urn. But according to Keats' conclusion, none of this mattered. The only truth that he needed to know was that these objects were beautiful and worthy of being admired. Works Cited: Keats, John. ?Ode on a Grecian Urn.? Poetical Works. 1884. GreatBooks Online. 15 June 2004 <>. Keats, John. "Ode to a Nightingale." Romanticism: An Anthology. Ed. Duncan Wu. Oxford: Blackwell, 1998. 1058-1060. John Keats' Ode on a Grecian Urn and Ode to a Nightingale Essays John Keats' Ode on a Grecian Urn and Ode to a Nightingale John Keats, in "Ode on a Grecian Urn" and "Ode to a Nightingale" attempts to connect with two objects of immortality to escape from the rigors of human life. In "Ode to a Nightingale", Keats attempts to connect with a bird's song because the music knows nothing of aging and mortality. Keats has the same motivation in "Ode on a Grecian Urn" while trying to connect with three separate images on a mysterious urn. Connecting in this sense means to either fully understand the object or become the object itself. For example, when Keats attempts to "connect" with an image on the urn, he attempts to fully understand the origin of the image. While his attempts to connect with the two objects fall short, he nevertheless makes an interesting conclusion about the ideals of beauty and truth. Keats begins the "Ode to a Nightingale" in pain, before hearing the melody of the nightingale. After hearing this music, he wishes to join the bird and leave the human world. He first attempts to connect with the bird using a "draught of vintage" (11), but upon further thinking, decides that he will "not (be) charioted by Bacchus and his pards" (32). (Bacchus is god of wine and revelry.) Keats finally joins the bird on the "viewless wings of Poesy." Though able to imagine his flight with the nightingale, the narrator is can't actually see anything. Keats can imagine the "fast fading violets cover'd up in leaves" (47), but "cannot see what flowers are at my feet" (41). He can also picture the moon in his mind, but says "there is not light" (38). The song of the nightingale has Keats in such ecstasy b... ...ll we needed to know, according to Keats, was that "beauty is truth, truth beauty" (49 Urn). The narrator would never know what the nightingale meant when it sang its songs. Furthermore, Keats would never be able to fully understand the images on the urn because it was created in a different time period. Therefore, Keats would never understand the full truth behind either the song or the urn. But according to Keats' conclusion, none of this mattered. The only truth that he needed to know was that these objects were beautiful and worthy of being admired. Works Cited: Keats, John. ?Ode on a Grecian Urn.? Poetical Works. 1884. GreatBooks Online. 15 June 2004 <>. Keats, John. "Ode to a Nightingale." Romanticism: An Anthology. Ed. Duncan Wu. Oxford: Blackwell, 1998. 1058-1060.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Women :: History, Caribbean Women

â€Å"During the twentieth century, poor women in the Caribbean were pulled into a predictable, gendered, labor pattern operating at investment sites in the region. In this pattern poor men leave home to find temporary, labor-intensive employment in the initial phases of economic development. Women follow later to take up more permanent service employment as maids, domestics, and cleaners† (Almer, 99). The significance of the quote is its showing the emergence of a labor model that has shaped the Caribbean for generations. In the beginning of the twentieth century poor eastern Caribbean women followed male migrant workers to various places such as: the Panama Canal, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Trinidad, Curacao, and Aruba in order to provide for their families. Eastern Caribbean women have developed their own family model, which include non-marital relationships and freedom to travel for work. According to eastern Caribbean social norms poor women are expected to have children and support them financially. This results in women leaving their children with extended family and supporting them by working in distant places (99). During the Pre-1960s women migrant workers found employment as seamstresses, cooks, laundresses, and maids at labor camps located in the Panama Canal Zone, Cuba, and the Dominican Republic (100). When employment on these islands decreased, women followed the labor migrant pattern again by traveling to Trinidad, Curacao and Aruba to perform domestic work (101). â€Å"The female labor migrants experienced a form of freedom and independence that came with consistent predictable wages. These migrant domestics were economic mainstays for their dependents left behind in their sending societies† (101). The quote is showing how migrant women have moved from their economic status in their home town to now being able to support themselves and their families through steady employment. During the Post-1960s increased economic investment in tourism on the US and British Virgin Islands, in addition to the Dutch’s Aruba and St. Maarten brought again the labor migrant pattern of women coming to work in the tourism industry (101). The increase in tourism on the Virgin Islands brought with it increases in foreign born populations and in female workers. â€Å" ’The general prosperity that was stimulated by tourism resulted in a demand for female workers, as maids and ancillary personal in hotels and gift shops and as domestics in private households’† (102). The quote shows how female labor plays an important role in the economies of these islands.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

she never speaks :: essays research papers

Have you seen her? You may have walked or even drove by her more than one time. You may have noticed her glistening red skin, the voluptuous curves on her body, or used her for exercise. I cannot say it was love at first sight when I first saw her, she appeared to be like all the others I had been with; however, she possessed something that I could not describe. When the wind blew it was as if she was calling my name so I could not stay away from her. I have spent many hours in the blistering hot sun preparing myself for those special times that I would have with her. I have shed both blood and tears for her. My woman is not an average female, she is extraordinary. She never asks where have I been or why I have not called. She is content with where she is and does not complain. She does things that other women would not do. My woman is like a dirty rest area, open to the public twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. There is no admission fee.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  People call her the â€Å"neighborhood girl†. She knows the corner where she belongs to and knows how to please. For her age, she is in pretty good shape. Not just men, but people from all over the country come to be with her. She does not discriminate against anyone. People of all ages, races, classes and genders have access to her. Many people are with her at more than one time. Sometimes there can be ten to forty people with her. When I see more than one person with her, I do not get jealous with her because I know that she can make them better, and I know that they need her more than I do. The first time I was with her I only lasted for ten seconds, but I have made dramatic improvements. She has a lot of miles on her since she has been broken in from the years of pounding. Her legs stretch for miles. They are straight like runways for planes awaiting take off. She takes me places I have never seen or been before. On many occasions when I’m with her, we become one. When I am with her, I am able to distance myself from all the other odors exhausted by others who are also on her.

Interview: Police and Law Enforcement Essay

For your Unit 9 Interview Analysis you will conduct two interviews with practicing professionals in the field of law enforcement. These individuals may occupy positions in federal, state, county, or municipal police agencies, probation, parole, or prosecutors’ offices. It is preferable that you conduct the interviews in person, but telephone interviews will be acceptable if in-person interviews cannot be arranged. Focus on the following questions in your interviews: Why are ethics and character so important in the field of law enforcement? Do the interviewees feel that police are more ethical today, or were they more ethical ten years ago? Why do police officers become involved in misconduct? Do the interviewees feel that there is enough training offered in ethics at the police academy level? If not, why is that? Should ethics training be offered as an on-going process for law enforcement officers? Do the interviewees feel that education and/or training in ethics would reduce incidents of police corruption? Report the results of these interviews in a paper that answer the proposed questions. Apply information that has been read and discussed in class on various ethical issues to your paper to form a synthesis of practical law enforcement ideologies. Be sure to discuss with the interviewees at least four contemporary ethical issues that they are dealing with as criminal justice practitioners. Finally, offer your own insights on the perspectives of the individuals you interviewed and materials covered in the text readings and Seminar discussions. The paper will be a minimum of 10, double-spaced pages using a 12-point font. It must be in American Psychological Association (APA) format. Submit your Assignment to the Dropbox by the end of Unit 9 in the basket titled Unit 9: Interview Analysis Why are ethics and character so important in the field of law enforcement? Do the interviewees feel that police are more ethical today, or were they more ethical ten years ago? Why do police officers become involved in misconduct? Do the interviewees feel that there is  enough training offered in ethics at the police academy level? If not, why is that? Should ethics training be offered as an on-going process for law enforcement officers? Do the interviewees feel that education and/or training in ethics would reduce incidents of police corruption? Report the results of these interviews in a paper that answer the proposed questions. Apply issues read and discussed in class to your paper to form a synthesis of practical law enforcement ideologies. Finally, offer your own insights on the perspectives of the individuals you interviewed and materials covered in the text readings and seminar discussions.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Reserch paper

For this assignment you must develop a topic, create a thesis relevant to the topic, conduct research to support/explore your thesis, and write a 6-8 page research paper. Remember, this is a research paper, which means you'll be employing an informational tone. If you're exploring a controversial topic, be sure to explore both sides and remain as objective as possible. Method: 1. First, you must choose a topic. There are links to various topic suggestions in the guidelines folder.Rely on brainstorming methods covered in class (freewriting, for example) to help you choose a topic. 2. Next, narrow your focus by developing a thesis question. For example, if your topic of choice was abortion, you could focus it by researching information about undifferentiated adult human cells, and how they are making stem-cell research unnecessary. Topic: Abortion Thesis: Will undifferentiated cells make stem-cell research obsolete, thus making scientifically condoned abortions obsolete? 3. Conduct res earch as discussed in class. 4.Begin your draft, providing the audience with a short history of the topic, the specific issue you plan to address (remember to remain objective and address all sides), and the details of your issue relative to your thesis focus. Paragraph-by- paragraph breakdown: Intro story (optional): some students start with a short, very short, story to draw the reader in before they start their thesis topic. For example, a student who wrote a paper about ethnic profiling starting his paper by talking about a man, Amadou Diallo, walking down the street who was pulled over by cops.The cops asked him for ID, he attempted to extract his wallet and they fired 40 rounds on him. In the next paragraph (the introductory paragraph), he began â€Å"Circumstances such as this indicate that ethnic profiling is a growing concern in our country. With the terrorist attacks of 2001, ethnic profiling is at an all time high. But is it acceptable? His thesis question: to what degre e do we allow ethnic profiling for the sake of safety in our country?Paragraph 1, the introductory paragraph: introduce topic, provide thesis question Paragraph 2(optional): methodology, i. . how did you acquire your sources? Paragraph 3-: history. If you're dealing with a current topic, how did the history of the topic develop? For example, if you were writing a paper about abortion, what has influenced the topic (court cases, religious beliefs, laws passed, etc. ) By using chronological transitions you could effectively break this section up into several paragraphs. Write no more than one page on the history of your topic.Paragraph 3 (optional): perhaps you're dealing with only late-term abortion, in addition to the istory of the subject, you might want to detail the process by which the late-term abortion is completed (this paragraph would be dedicated to process) Paragraph 4: Begin exploring one side of the issue. Present evidence. This section of the paper could include more th an one paragraph. You could dedicate a paragraph to each resource supporting one side ot the issue, tor example. No more than 1&1/2 pages for this section Paragraph 5: Begin exploring the other side of the issue.This section of the paper could include more than one paragraph. You could dedicate a paragraph to each resource supporting one side of the issue, for example. No more than 1&1/2 pages for this section Paragraph 6: Compare the data from both sides of the issue. Does any evidence from one side appear to outweigh evidence from the other side? If you're exploring a controversial issue, elaborate one which side seems more viable.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Cartography Essay

How do the conventional choropleth technique and the unclassed choropleth technique differ? The conventional chorophleth technique groups the data values into classes with an unique areal symbol; in the unclassed choropleth technique each value is symbolized by its own unique areal symbol. When employing the conventional choropleth technique, approximately how many classes should you use? In the conventional choropleth technique you should use 4-6 classes.   If you had a shapefile consisting of states of the United States, how would you create a new shapefile of only the New England states? To create a new shape file for New England you should right-click countries in the â€Å"Table of Contents†, select â€Å"Data†, then â€Å"Export Data†. â€Å"Export data† window will open, where you should click the catalog browser button to select where you want to save your file. You should name the file â€Å"New England† and click â€Å"ok†. If your attribute table contained two fields, Population and Area (in square miles), how would you create a choropleth map of the derived value of Population Density (persons per square mile)? To create a choropleth map with two different fields you have to normalize your informations. You should open the proprieties window and with the population field select from the normalization list. You have to create a new value by dividing the value field (area) by the normalization field (population). Then you should right-click on one of the ranges then select Format Labels, and in the Number Format window, select Rate. In the numeric option window you should put 1 decimal rounding. Check the Pad with zeros checkbox, and finally make a color selection. What are the classification schemes available in ArcMap? There are six automatically-calculated classification schemes in ArcMap: Equal Interval, Defined Interval, Quantile, Natural Breaks (Jenks), Geometrical Interval, and Standard Deviation. When symbolizing your areas, how can you view the names of the available color ramps? You should right-click on the color ramp and deselect Graphic View from the context menu, and then click on the color ramp to view the drop-down list. How can you automatically round the legend values to two decimal places? You have to check the â€Å"Pad with zeros† checkbox in the Numeric Option window (Layer properties>Number Format>Numeric Option). How can you view descriptive statistics and a histogram of your data from within the Symbology tab of the Layer Properties window? To view a descriptive statistic and histogram from the symbology tab of the layer properties window you should click on the â€Å"classification† button and a classification window will open showing the Classification Statistics box, which shows the descriptive statistics for the values being classified and a histogram of the data which includes lines showing the upper limit of each class. How do you resize your data frame to specific dimensions in the layout? You can resize your data frame to specific dimensions in the layout by clicking and dragging one of the sizing or adjusting the size of the frame in the â€Å"Data Frame Properties† window. In choropleth mapping, and thematic mapping in general, what is commonly used as the legend title? Map titles for thematic maps generally have one or more of the following items: (1) the subject matter of the map, (2) the location being mapped, and the (3) year or time period of the subject matter.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Paper on Sq3R

SQ3R The SQ3R strategy (which stands for Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review) was developed by Robinson (1961) to provide a structured approach for students to use when studying content material. This strategy has proven to be effective and versatile and can easily be integrated into many content areas and across grade levels. Students develop effective study habits by engaging in the pre-reading, during-reading, and post-reading steps of this strategy. The SQ3R literacy strategy helps enhance comprehension and retention of information. It is metacognitive in nature in that it is a self-monitoring process. 1.Survey (1 minute): Before beginning reading look through the whole chapter. See what the headings are — the major ones and the subheadings; hierarchical structures seem to be particularly easy for our brains to latch onto — check for introductory and summary paragraphs, references, etc. Resist reading at this point, but see if you can identify 3 to 6 major ideas in the chapter. 2. Question (usually less than 30 seconds): Ask yourself what this chapter is about: What is the question that this chapter is trying to answer? Or — along the curiosity lines — What question do I have that this chapter might help answer?Repeat this process with each subsection of the chapter, as well, turning each heading into a question. 3. Read (slower for some of us than others! ): Read one section at a time looking for the answer to the question proposed by the heading! This is active reading and requires concentration so find yourself a place and time where you can concentrate. 4. Recite/write (about a minute): Say to yourself (I do this out loud so I have to study where I don't embarrass myself) or write down (I sometimes do this in the margins of the book itself ) a key phrase that sums up the major point of the section and answers the question.It is important to use your own words, not just copy a phrase from the book. Research shows that we re member our own (active) connections better than ones given to us (passive), indeed that our own hierarchies are generally better than the best prefab hierarchies. 5. Review (less than 5 minutes): After repeating steps 2-4 for each section you have a list of key phrases that provides a sort of outline for the chapter. Test yourself by covering up the key phrases and seeing if you can recall them. Do this right after you finish reading the chapter. If you can't recall one of your major oints, that's a section you need to reread. Many students don’t know how to study, and this strategy is a perfect way to help them. It works well in many content areas with a variety of types of text. It is recommended that the teacher show the students how to go through the steps. In the fifth grade science lesson found later in this chapter, this strategy provides the framework needed to develop a concept map. WORKS CITED Robinson, Francis Pleasant. (1970) Effective study (4th ed. ). New York: Harper ; Row. Halawa, O 2010 November 12, SQ3R Reading Strategy, 08/12/10, http://www. premisemarketing. com/work/approach/